Thursday, December 30, 2010


Sorry it took so long and how everything got so muddled, so was our special guests this week:

Basically we had the cast of Twilight in today and after some parts of unusable dialogue and people leaving for whatever reason, we only had an hour of used footage. For people playing at home, the start of the commentary should be played just before the actual film logo of Twilight comes on screen (the part with the mountains).
So sit back and relax and you don't even need to watch the film (we suggest you don't) and listen to R-Pattz, K-Steww, Tay-Tay, Billy B, Anna K and Steph Meyer all talk about the 2008 classic, Twilight.
If you don't have the film, you can watch it on YouTube and just start it at a bit over 2 minutes, should sync.
To download this week's podcast, go here!
The Audrey Hepburn of our generation.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Got friends? Got a Webcam? Get ya Anime on
Ever wanted to be in your own Anti-Smoking Anime film?
Not so much.
Oh okay.
Well then, I thought, you might.
No, it's okay. I'll-
No, she's fine.
Yeah, Scott Pilgrim on Blu-Ray.
Yeah, it's wicked, it's got-
Oh, no, I understand. I'll call you later on.
Yeah, New Years.
Okay, No.

Because everyone does a Top 5

5. Toy Story 3
4. Inception
3. The Social Network
2. Four Lions
1. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Saturday, December 25, 2010


After some minor complaints and concerns, we now have a stream of our podcast available for you on the original pages and also here.



If you some how arrived here today...


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Google wants you to destroy some things :p
Only works with Chrome

The Internet is fucking insane and so is DONKEY KONG


For some reason this looks like a film a decade late, but I wholeheartedly embrace it next year




I'm sorry this was delayed for so long. The episode was recorded but due to a mishap which I ultimately blame on myself, in which the episode was broken up into 1500 singular clips, and then I fixed it and edited it all together with the songs and everything to be done and sigh, 4 hours of working straight, it is finally here...with Dobby!
Episode 3 -

Some spoilers in this episode for:

P.S. Santa isn't real

Roll 3 times and go back to the Grid.


Monday, December 20, 2010

Someone finally picks up Squenix's pace

5 Annoying Things Couples Do & Their Single Counterparts

Being in a relationship isn't the be all and end all of one's life, but it is often the source for the be all and end all of friendships when it comes to being annoyed to the nth degree. I was recently in a relationship and no one's gonna name names (let's just call her Blamantha) or play the blame game (By Milton Bradley) but there were a few things I noticed Present and Post-Relationship that create a vortex of annoyances for friends and family of a couple.
Who ruined my fucking cake?

Sunday, December 19, 2010


American Shark - New Bret Easton Ellis project

What sounds like one of the coolest ideas for a horror/thriller films of 2011, American Psycho writer, Bret Easton Ellis is writing a script called Bait, about a woman who holds a group of people hostage in a shark tank. It just sounds incredible and probably the Saw for a new decade.

I don't want to set the

Friday, December 17, 2010

The True Story of Nuclear War...I mean, Missile Command.

There is a God, he loves us all...
George Clinton, the God of funk, is suing the Black Eyed Peas for the use of one his samples from the classic track,  Not Just Knee Deep, in one of their shitty songs. The song is bad-ass and strangely I got into Clinton after watching the film, Goodburger.

The end of gaming is coming

New Freddiew video

Showreel: 2010

Another awesome compilation of 2010 in film.


Only this year did I get around to viewing the underrated classic, Tron and it was during a small break between classes did I get enveloped in the simple story of one man in a computerised world trying to get out. We've seen in recent years many different takes on the story of a man in a digitised or conceptualised world and this being either the bane or desire of his existence. From films like The Matrix and Inception come close to the idea of imagination in a fictional universe to a new degree, but Tron Legacy covers the ground in a simpler and a lot more dazzling way.
Don't get me wrong both of the previously mentioned films are still amazing and beautiful to watch, but something a lot of critics have with the story is that the emotional or relationships in the films either seem tacked on or ultimately unnecessary to the overall theme and story, that which we create can destroy us.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Internet's over. Go home everyone. Christian Bale breaks the internet.

Christian Bale sings the Powerpuff Girls theme


I love Red Letter Media and I love Tommy Wiseau's The Room

The Brothers Mario: COMING 2011

Yeah, I'm gonna turn off the internet at 9...after this video...


This looks pretty good, not amazing, but pretty good. With Hot Tub Time Machine, this year, this might be okay.

Fan of Spaced? Fan of getting so angry your brain wishes to escape out of your ears


Which is worse? An Islamic Community Centre near Ground Zero or not helping out 9/11 First Responders?

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Lame-as-F@#k Congress
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

Paul Simon is in Saginaw

In a strange bit of idiosynchronicity, the lyrics from Paul Simon's 1968 track, America, has been spray painted on walls all over Saginaw in Michigan. The actual lyrics find their own little piece in the heartland of the motor industry as the actual destroyed and saddened look of the town, once greatly known for it's pride and music, has become a sad burnt husk of disaster and desperation...anyway, here's a puppy.

Nothing nerdier than Origami and Star Wars...seriously, what could be more nerdy?

Fast Five, Furious Five Trailer released....

Waiting on FF: 6th Gear in 2012, CALLING IT!

Despite all the crap, 2010 was a pretty good year for film

Not enough Scott Pilgrim, Tron or Toy Story 3, in my opinion.


This man has more bad in his ass than you will ever have

This Christmas, enjoy being different :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010



In this week's episode we get a guest star and talk a lot more about movies and music...what a surprise. Also, I'm a bit quieter and the others get more of a voice. Also listen to these guys and not this guy and read what they have to say. Episode #2 -


Yogi Bear just got a whole lot better


I wish all tutorials were like this...

My Morning Anthem

Ba-rumpa-pump pah

Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy with Will Ferrell & John C. Reilly from Will Ferrell

I saw this a few years ago during a tiny Bowie phase, it's creepy as it is hilarious. Farrel's British accent is so fucking spot on too.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Another hiatus

I'm really sorry about this again folks, but my laptop charger and my laptop which have been a pain in my side for some time now has broken down and heated up. The charger itself started melting and the port for the charger is now stuck to one side so I guess this Christmas I'm gonna be blowing my money on a eeepc. So whilst I'll update when I can from my dad's laptop, for now, these posts will be a lot more infrequent.
Thank you for your patience and enjoyment of my blog. You can always help the friendly people at Google AdSense, but till I get a new laptop, might just be a few posts here and there.
Have a great December,

Minecraft changing to Beta on December 20th
I will be buying the game incredibly soon. Because this game is gonna just get bigger and bigger and bigger.

5 Things I've Learnt to Love about Denmark

Since starting this blog, a few things have come to my attention. People don't like me on Digg, friends find my posts annoying, podcasts aren't that interesting and apparently people from Denmark like my blog. I don't have any clue why, I don't think there is anything particularly Danish or Denmark orientated in regards to my blog but I thought I'd share what little I know about the country and his exports...other than these.
It's like Mocha, but in teeny tiny love-filled bits.

It's simple, we show the Batman...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Confirmed via Twitter. My favourite Pogo Track is gonna be a video

Posted 8 minutes ago:
"'Go Out And Love Someone' is a track I plan to re-master and make a video for in the near future. ;)"
Created from bits of a Carry On film, I found listening to it over and over again infectious as well as beautiful.

To be far someone did do a pretty cash job of making a video of the track.

My family's cat is on my bed right now and I felt I had to share this

Small hiatus

Hello everyone who actually reads my blog.
I've been quite busy with personal stuff this weekend and still kinda recovering. I'll be back up and running on Monday and a new podcast on Wednesday. Love you guys. Have a great week :)
Support Pogo :D

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Miley Cyrus does a bong hit

And that's how the common man, beat everyone and everything, ever!

Dude completes Portal in under 10 minutes, finds Portal into reality

From the creators of Flower comes...

Flower is probably the only game I can't swear my ass off about. The light flowing petals, the beautiful music, just makes my heart soar.


NOW WITH ADDED AWESOME and by that I mean, you can stream it instead of downloading the bitch!
Writer's Block is merely a working title, but thought might as well use it.
A few friends from Uni invited me to join their podcast as a weekly/bi-weekly contributor and I thought hell why not. I'm incredibly sorry for the pops and the strength of the audio. Just turn it down to half and you'll probably be safe. Until I get a stream going, here's the download link.
TOPICS for this week:
Movies of 2010
And Ke$ha's new track with Taio Cruz


What looks like a mix between Iron Man and The Wrestler might turn out to be good...oh and Hugh Jackman is in it

This man is incredible and you can help his goal to 2 grand

Pledge here:

Friday, December 10, 2010

Nice going Ke$ha

Just found this. Hilariously terrible Fake Game
It's a fake game, but what could be the worst and most terrifying thing in the gaming world if it was ever licensed, this game was bought overseas and I cannot believe this exists.
Hurray Nintendo Seal of Approval!

Wow, cannot believe they used copyrighted images for their game.


2010...flew by in a Google Instant

2010 was waaaaaaaaaay too good for me....

Sci-Fi Children Stories OR WHOVIANS GET IN HERE!


Apparently, a few friends and I are making a podcast tonight and I will upload it tonight or tomorrow morning.
I have so much to do today.
In the meantime, I've spent the last week or so listening to the following podcasts:
Minecast - Two guys doing some awesome Minecraft talkan
Sunday Night Safran - Everything religious and cultural by an awesome Jew and an awesome Priest
The Ricky Gervais Podcast - Ricky, Stephen and Karl just talk and make me lol so hard.
SmodCast - Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier kick some ass
This American Life - I started watching the series from Showtime and have loved every minute of listening to these stories.
Shuan Keavny - Originally got him for a Charlie Brooker interview and I've come to love this guy.
Check out those guys and hope you have a greet weekend.

Empire Strikes Back: Retold via Facebook

Porn Industry beating Warner Bros/Paramount to Justice League Movie
So after Batgirl, Batman, Avatar, Tron and a few other parodies, they thought fuck it, let's just make a gang-bang of DC characters.

Eat Twinkies, Lose Weight

In what could be the greatest scientific discovery since we found the song-writing troll in Justin Beiber's hair, a Nutrition Professor, Mark Haub, from Kansas State University has sustained and lost 40 pounds from eating Twinkies and Doritos. Supplementing his diet with junk foods, the nutrition professor has found that with the right balance one can find a perfect creation of a Twinkie Dorito Sandwich.*
I've often found, being a fat guy, that exercise, persistence and eating right really helps and that often diet and exercise crazes can only get you so far. I was actually 10kg heavier at the beginning of this year and whilst 10kg isn't a significant amount of weight, I plan on losing another 10 next year at the  very least, so in about 9 years, I'll be down to a size 0.
*this is not true

Babies apparently love Scott Pilgrim

Whilst I personally wouldn't let my children watch Scott Pilgrim till they were at least 12 (you know to get the references), this is quite adorable.

Website completely devoted to SMB Glitches
There's really not much to say about the site other than it actually provides explanations to why these glitches occur. It's quite fascinating seeing the amount of reverse engineering and forethought it takes to not only create the glitches but also where they go and what they do.

Just something I watch every week: Extra Credits

I love this show so much. It and a few of the other 'non-fiction' Escapist shows have taught me so much about writing and the creation of games.

Your Wii Balance Board just got a whole lot scarier...

From the people that brought you No More Heroes and Flower, Sun & Rain, comes a new Wii game, hell-bent on scaring the fat off you. Not really, but the game looks like the scariest thing this side of Silent Hill. Whilst details are quite slim (no pun intended), the game itself, Night of the Sacrifice, looks like a return for Marvelous to some great Wii fun.

Thursday, December 9, 2010



Transformers Dark of The Moon Teaser from Michael Bay Dot Com on Vimeo.

BRB adding to novel wishlist: Serial Killer Days.
A writer of an award-winning short film and a producer on Thank You For Smoking have teamed up for creating an adaptation of a book called Serial Killer Days. It sounds like an interesting take on Tourist Trap towns and festivals, as well as a coming-of-age tale. Whether or not it will find an audience, let alone a mainstream audience, is in the hands of the people now, so who knows how it might turn out?
Personally I'm looking forward to it.
Dude has a blogspot too...

Being unemployed I can only imagine how good this really is...

The Simpsons vs. FOX vs. One man.
One man is willing to forgive FOX's recent poor seasons (Essentially 90% of Season 11 onward) if they bring back 5 of FOX's cancelled shows that were awesome:
Arrested Development
The Critic (which was originally on ABC, then FOX said, hey we'll take it and then it was on Comedy Central and then it was online, I now have the DVD's and love it whole heartedly. FOX: It Stinks!)
Firefly (Like you didn't see this coming. I still haven't seen a single frame of this show but plan on getting through it now that a good portion of my shows have ended for the year. Probably watch it after Boardwalk Empire)
Futurama (This one kinda doesn't count. It's back on Comedy Central and is gonna have another season, according to Al Gore)
and finally, The Tick, which I personally don't like, but I understand the fanbase. And that's where the problem lies, the fanbase.
The actual nature of a fanbase is to support the show and I imagine a lot of the people online who watch, comment and like the show got into it after the show was cancelled, whether it was through word-of-net or through file-sharing. I'm not saying none of these shows deserve to be back, but there are too many factors when it comes to airing a show.
There's timeslots, competition, audience share, quality and so on and so forth. All of the shows were critically hailed or had a cult following from the get go and whilst Futurama is doing well, the writers of the Critic now have jobs working on things such as Family Guy, Judd Apatow films and Futurama, Joss Whedon got another show, a comic series and a movie based on Firefly, The Tick has...a lot of people in it that went on to do great things and finally, Arrested Development has some of the best 'HOLY SHIT, THAT GUY IS IN THAT THING NOW' moments, and the possibility of movies, I believe that it is better to have loved than lost than have it turn into Two & A Half Men.
Taste the sad, Michael

Gimme about 3 years and a couple of grand and I'll see you there...

Legend of Zelda on WIneglass

I may not like the series, but that music is awesome.

In an increasing bid to kids to stop fucking, the UK has used nerds to send their message

The UK has gotten really creative with their safe sex campaigns this year. In what looks like Scott Pilgrim in the 90's, if the rights had been sold to the Turner Company to create afternoon specials, Mega Man and a few other slightly licensed characters have been used to promote the use of condoms and a few other ways to help your girlfriend not get fat.
But then again, it's not like Nintendo hasn't used this tactic before:

Wikileaks has a posse declared war on Mastercard and a few other people who were slowly pulling away from the internet's version of the ending to Watchmen (the comic) and taking any form of funding away from the information leaking awesomeness.
Not Pictured: Ending of Watchmen
The first time I heard about Wikileaks properly is when the internet in Australia was slowly becoming a little less 'sharable' and our government was proposing a filter. The people at Wikileaks got the actual sites that were proposed on the black list. The news caught wind of it and showed how ridiculous the idea was when one of the sites in the filter was of a canteen information page for a school. From little I know, Wikileaks has endangered some people's lives and the most recent leak was of a few personal items from a few incredibly important leaders, but to be honest, I think of this as the reverse Patriot Act, essentially showing those in the US who put it in power and extended it outside of the US, and now they know how it feels to have their information out there.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I knew Vin Diesel was into this shit, but you too Statham?

Wanna teach the kids the alphabet and show them how nerdy you are?


Tomb Raider to be rebooted

Being a 90's kid, this gaming goddess is critical to any gamer or teenage boy. Having her return in, what looks like, a gritty remake, isn't a bad idea. But I kind of liked what I saw from Guardian of Light and I heard some bad/mediocre things about the past games, well anything after 3. The developers seemed to have focused on more of an action orientated Lara more than anything else, which is good, it's where the gaming world was going in this age of Gears of Halo, cover, shoot, find enemy, cover, throw grenade, gratutitous shot, but people and the industry needs to grow up and I just hope the next generation or rather next year we will grab onto something much more fun or tangible.
For previous years, trends have gone as such:
2001 - Hey, let's make Halo
2002 - Violent/gory games are soooo mature
2003 - GTA3 is da bomb
2004 - Sequelitis/Handhelditis
2005 - The rise of the music game
2006 - The beginning of the end for motion games (i.e. Nintendo Wii launched)
2007 - Hey, let's make Gears of War
2008 - Hey, let's make GTA4
2009 - Hey, let's make motion controlled games
2010 - Hey, let's make some great Indie games/MINECRAFT


Because making money isn't so bad...especially when you have to leap a car and then get a critical injury.

I just love how casual the hosts are after the actual fall, also how they look like they've stumbled off a 17th century French period piece and then given the attitude of Guy Smiley.
Faceplant Knockout On German Game Show - Watch more Funny Videos