Some people are idiots and this is why I suggest some research when you go see a movie, or buy a product of any kind. This would be like taking a claustrophobe to see Buried and then not telling them the title. I think Boyle's directing has been consistent, much like that of the Coen Brothers or Edgar Wright, but I cannot wait for this film to come out now, also I can imagine that ticket sales will probably be boosted now thanks to this tiny bit of publicity
Sunday, October 31, 2010
127 Hours: A movie about a real man who cut off his own arm to live...people shocked when it happens
Tron Legacy is one of the only remaining films of the year (other than The Social Network, which I'm seeing tomorrow night) that I am definitely looking forward to and those are the flashiest cufflinks I've ever seen in my life. I only saw the original this year. I had like a two hour break between classes and I started watching it in the library and my eyes were absolutely mesmerized by how wonderful and detailed the world was. I've always loved Jeff Bridges ever since my dad introduced me to the Dude at a young age and seeing him as young as I am now was incredible and I'm so glad they got him back for the sequel. The details, the music (Daft Punk is God) and the plot have sold me on seeing it regardless of what critics say...much like how I've seen the previous two Jackass films and will be enjoying the next one in a few weeks.
For those who haven't seen it yet, here's the Daft Punk trailer for the movie, apparently they play a DJ program or MP3's in the movie:
This has come to my attention and it is awesome
= Best relaxing music this side of Eno Airport
= Best relaxing music this side of Eno Airport
Right now there are only a few which actually stand out and despite the fact I look a bit like Scott Pilgrim (shaggy hair, gigantic eyes), I don't think I'll be uploading without a Plumtree, SP or Zero star shirt
Right now there are only a few which actually stand out and despite the fact I look a bit like Scott Pilgrim (shaggy hair, gigantic eyes), I don't think I'll be uploading without a Plumtree, SP or Zero star shirt
Halloween: A Down Under Experience
After a brief stroll by the beach this afternoon, I noticed with a friend, that there were kids in costumes just hanging around the wharves and the beach houses. Whilst Halloween seems to never slip my mind, being Australian it isn't really apart of our culture. I remember my sister's obsessions with it at a young age and into their mid-teens and my mother's own religious opinion has changed over the years. One year in particular she hung a "Sorry, we don't celebrate Halloween" sign outside the door; we were egged.
But Kudos to the kids of the world, who for a single space of time in October, own the night, and to all my American readers, whoever you are, good luck hunting down some Reese's Pieces and slutty women tomorrow night, that shit is cash.
'That's what you get for being religious and for not giving out candy we don't deserve'
This year, my mother was more than welcome to giving out some small treats to the many costumed youngsters parading up and down the streets. I do envy them as the acceptance of this holiday has been quite strong in recent years and the prospect of getting free shit, is never lost on anyone at any age. While I've never gone trick or treating myself, due to a social phobia of just randomly knocking on people's doors, feeling as though I'm trying to consistently sell them on something, such as, No I did not make this out of a pink bedsheet 3 minutes before turning up to your house just to get candy.But Kudos to the kids of the world, who for a single space of time in October, own the night, and to all my American readers, whoever you are, good luck hunting down some Reese's Pieces and slutty women tomorrow night, that shit is cash.
A good friend of mine and his friends did an incredible cover of Milkshake some time ago and it is wicked. Had to share.
NanoWriMo: WTFAYD + 5 Tips
So for writer's NanoWriMo is quite an important month. Starting tomorrow, writers will begin an arduous journey of trying to balance their real life (if they have jobs or family) and actually writing five-hundred thousand words for a prospective novel/la in their future. I imagine December is a strangely big month for book publishers to suddenly recieve several manuscripts of largely unedited material (something I wish to propose to fix below).
Whilst I personally do not have a job, I do have University assignments due tomorrow, Wednesday (A Script I will put up here) and an exam next Monday, so my writing may be pale in comparison till after the 8th of November, which possibly means that with a week gone I will have to do 12,500 words (if you break up your work pattern for a weekly, rather than fortnightly or even an overall monthly total) in a week and that's not even including other things which may get in the way between now and then such as birthdays, deaths and satanic rituals.
So with everything in the way and this being my first year trying it, I give you 5 tips on doing NanoWriMo effectively...but before you say, oh but if it's your first year, how do you the name of the blog.
Whilst I personally do not have a job, I do have University assignments due tomorrow, Wednesday (A Script I will put up here) and an exam next Monday, so my writing may be pale in comparison till after the 8th of November, which possibly means that with a week gone I will have to do 12,500 words (if you break up your work pattern for a weekly, rather than fortnightly or even an overall monthly total) in a week and that's not even including other things which may get in the way between now and then such as birthdays, deaths and satanic rituals.
So with everything in the way and this being my first year trying it, I give you 5 tips on doing NanoWriMo effectively...but before you say, oh but if it's your first year, how do you the name of the blog.
I watched the movie again last night with mah bro (also playing Minecraft) and it's still awesome. Can't wait to get the Blu-Ray. In the meantime, for those with webcams, get ready to game.
Morning Roll Call 31/10
Most nights I dream perfectly; just little dips into my subconscious which reveal very little to me. But when I don't dream I feel disappointed as if my imagination was burnt out for the day, either that or a combination of Canadian Club, Fanta and Minecraft just knocks me out. Now what'd you miss while I was sleeping, well:
Jesus hates you and loves Google. Remember Google: Don't Be Evil
Jesus hates you and loves Google. Remember Google: Don't Be Evil
Speaking of Google, they celebrate with the most iconic characters in mystery for their homepage:
In more Halloween news, GURU GURU IS ON THE LOOSE!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Pictures from the interwebs #1
Found whilst waiting to play Minecraft.
Murials, cubbyhouses and playing games with dolls action figures on sunny days...really hope that never changes.
FABLE 3 - An AND (Watching) Review
I haven't been a huge fan of Fable 3 and despite playing through some of 1 and watching a bit of 2, I have found the enjoyment in the game about as much fun as reading Hero with A Thousand Faces three-fold. There is nothing wrong with the type of gameplay which Fable tries to push upon the player, and I do say push upon as if you cannot make your own decisions in the game it will actually choose them for you.
ZOMBIES are incredibly important...
With AMC's The Walking Dead airing tonight in the US, Newsweek published a great article about the great zombie uprising which has occurred in the past few years.
Zombies represent an inbuilt fear many people fear, other than death itself, but the fear of masses of people, of crowds and of society itself breaking down. The cannibalistic nature of zombies is the disturbing realisation of humanity coming to terms with eating itself and it's own prejudices. Romero's classic (original) Dead trilogy exemplifies the nature of man on the brink of destruction. Perfectly polarised in the end sequence of Night of the Living Dead (SPOILER ALERT), in which the remaining survivor (a black man, nonetheless, which brings up a whole other subtext) is killed having been mistaken for being undead.
A melancholic end, regardless of whether you're a horror fan, the ending shows the representation of a society accepting its faults, even when it comes down to killing themselves.
With AMC's The Walking Dead airing tonight in the US, Newsweek published a great article about the great zombie uprising which has occurred in the past few years.
Zombies represent an inbuilt fear many people fear, other than death itself, but the fear of masses of people, of crowds and of society itself breaking down. The cannibalistic nature of zombies is the disturbing realisation of humanity coming to terms with eating itself and it's own prejudices. Romero's classic (original) Dead trilogy exemplifies the nature of man on the brink of destruction. Perfectly polarised in the end sequence of Night of the Living Dead (SPOILER ALERT), in which the remaining survivor (a black man, nonetheless, which brings up a whole other subtext) is killed having been mistaken for being undead.
A melancholic end, regardless of whether you're a horror fan, the ending shows the representation of a society accepting its faults, even when it comes down to killing themselves.
One thing should not be understated about me and my loves (some of which are quite obvious from the pic which plesantly slowly loads on your browser every time you visit this place, until I fix up how to design my blog well enough to make it look tidy.
I love Edgar Wright and I love Michael Cera.
Cera has been a strange enjoyment from early days watching him on an odd Canadian young adult show called 'My Best Friend is a 6th Grad Alien'.
The show, probably mostly forgotten or existing in the tiny space between where you keep Bangers & Mash, Mot, Raggydolls or Bananaman (and if anyone of you just had the shivers, that's nostalgia, baby). He then became the incredibly awkward, timid and geeky George Michael Bluth on Arrested Development, now this is where things got interesting and tricky.
In my favourite shows of all-time, the top contenders have always been Arrested Development and Spaced.
Spaced was created by Simon Pegg (Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead, and the upcoming Paul) and Jessica Stevenson (Shaun of the Dead, Magicians, Confetti) and all of the episodes were directed by Edgar Wright, a creative, talented and young director.
So I basically made this post to tell you that Edgar Wright has a pseudo-blog.
And that it is awesome, he is awesome and Scott Pilgrim is beyond fantastic, which I will explain in another review or post or something or other, in the meantime, enjoy this sweet poster.
Scott Pilgrim comes out on Blu-Ray in Australia, December 15th, November 4th for America
I love Edgar Wright and I love Michael Cera.
Cera has been a strange enjoyment from early days watching him on an odd Canadian young adult show called 'My Best Friend is a 6th Grad Alien'.
The show, probably mostly forgotten or existing in the tiny space between where you keep Bangers & Mash, Mot, Raggydolls or Bananaman (and if anyone of you just had the shivers, that's nostalgia, baby). He then became the incredibly awkward, timid and geeky George Michael Bluth on Arrested Development, now this is where things got interesting and tricky.
In my favourite shows of all-time, the top contenders have always been Arrested Development and Spaced.
Spaced was created by Simon Pegg (Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead, and the upcoming Paul) and Jessica Stevenson (Shaun of the Dead, Magicians, Confetti) and all of the episodes were directed by Edgar Wright, a creative, talented and young director.
So I basically made this post to tell you that Edgar Wright has a pseudo-blog.
And that it is awesome, he is awesome and Scott Pilgrim is beyond fantastic, which I will explain in another review or post or something or other, in the meantime, enjoy this sweet poster.
Scott Pilgrim comes out on Blu-Ray in Australia, December 15th, November 4th for America
Roger Rabbit 2: Apparently Still on
Something like Roger Rabbit in it's own right is a pretty fantastic piece of film. The script, the references, the character, the style (both animation and film) are top notch and recently, Robert Zemickis admitted in an interview with MTV News that a Roger Rabbit two is still on it's way.
They did an early animation test a decade or so again and it doesn't look bad, but apparently it was a pain in the ass to do. But with programs such as Maya and the incredible work of the guys at Pixar (as well as the okay, but not heaps great Zemickis IMAX, 3D films), who knows what they could do with it.
Bit other than a bit of nostalgia, I can see why this film would get a greenlight and a fairly good box office.
Coz ya'know, everyone wants to know what she's up to.
Something like Roger Rabbit in it's own right is a pretty fantastic piece of film. The script, the references, the character, the style (both animation and film) are top notch and recently, Robert Zemickis admitted in an interview with MTV News that a Roger Rabbit two is still on it's way.
They did an early animation test a decade or so again and it doesn't look bad, but apparently it was a pain in the ass to do. But with programs such as Maya and the incredible work of the guys at Pixar (as well as the okay, but not heaps great Zemickis IMAX, 3D films), who knows what they could do with it.
Bit other than a bit of nostalgia, I can see why this film would get a greenlight and a fairly good box office.
Coz ya'know, everyone wants to know what she's up to.
Purple Ho's before Purple Prose
Brevity is the soul of wit - William Shakespeare
Dude, I don't talk that much - A Narcissitic Dilettante
The importance of being clear and concise with your language is something that, in a verbal context, always seems to escape me. For those who have met me in conversation, know that I will probably jabber on for hours, which in turn clearly makes me the fool.
Dude, I don't talk that much - A Narcissitic Dilettante
The importance of being clear and concise with your language is something that, in a verbal context, always seems to escape me. For those who have met me in conversation, know that I will probably jabber on for hours, which in turn clearly makes me the fool.
A First Puncture
A first post.
A single puncture into the blogosphere.
I have felt as though that creating a blog was really for those who were either:
a) wish to be famous
b) already are famous.
And even though I am nothing of the latter, I find the importance of the first quite problematic for me and anyone who does wish to be famous. Even the idea of fame being thrust upon someone, makes it seem like a serial pest who doesn't know when to quit humping your leg.
Now, what does this have to do with my first post, other than an introduction?
Well, I wish to make my motives clear that first and foremost, I am not an incredible optimist when it comes to being famous or to a lesser extent e-fame, and that what this blog mainly serves as are three things or ideas.
1) A series of links I will be posting so friends of mine do not have to see a million tiny annoying link status updates (the initial idea)
2) A launchpad for my scripts, prose and other creative works (the 'I hope I get it, oh I hope i get it idea)
3) A place where I can provide a weekly insight into where I am with current projects, wheeling and dealings (the 'title' idea)
So where am I at this week?
This initial post is more in the third category as I can sum up as much as I can. I am at University, being a Creative Writing student (who is also doing Communication and Media), I am currently unemployed, slightly poor and am an avid movie buff, internet geek and vidya player. I have brown hair, hazel eyes, enjoys long walks on the beach and cocktails. But first and foremost I wish to identify myself as a writer...and not some brown haired, brown eyed unemployed lazy bastard.
Starting the 1st of November, I shall be doing NanoWriMo as a test of whether or not I can actually be a continuous (struggling) writer. The novel I have decided to do will eventually be posted on here (in a Google Docs format, like my other works) and has gone through substantial changes (something I will discuss in my November 1st post) even before the process has begun.
But for now, I just welcome you to my blog. It is a bridge between my internet world and friends. I feel as though whilst I hate keeping the two separate, my love of internet memes, internet culture and the influence of the internet on my life, often cross over in more recent months, but for now, this will be the beginning of building a bridge.
Whether or not it will fail or simply come crashing down is not really incredibly important, but like all bloggers, what's truly important is giving my opinion and thoughts, no matter how vain, narcissistic, idiotic, racist, sexist or absolutely fucking retarded it truly is.
So as I've mentioned a fairly substantial three other times, welcome
Oh and Have a Nice Day
P.S You may wanna look up the name of my blog before proceeding onwards or bloggers subscribe? Man, I should've done more research
A single puncture into the blogosphere.
I have felt as though that creating a blog was really for those who were either:
a) wish to be famous
b) already are famous.
And even though I am nothing of the latter, I find the importance of the first quite problematic for me and anyone who does wish to be famous. Even the idea of fame being thrust upon someone, makes it seem like a serial pest who doesn't know when to quit humping your leg.
Now, what does this have to do with my first post, other than an introduction?
Well, I wish to make my motives clear that first and foremost, I am not an incredible optimist when it comes to being famous or to a lesser extent e-fame, and that what this blog mainly serves as are three things or ideas.
1) A series of links I will be posting so friends of mine do not have to see a million tiny annoying link status updates (the initial idea)
2) A launchpad for my scripts, prose and other creative works (the 'I hope I get it, oh I hope i get it idea)
3) A place where I can provide a weekly insight into where I am with current projects, wheeling and dealings (the 'title' idea)
So where am I at this week?
This initial post is more in the third category as I can sum up as much as I can. I am at University, being a Creative Writing student (who is also doing Communication and Media), I am currently unemployed, slightly poor and am an avid movie buff, internet geek and vidya player. I have brown hair, hazel eyes, enjoys long walks on the beach and cocktails. But first and foremost I wish to identify myself as a writer...and not some brown haired, brown eyed unemployed lazy bastard.
Starting the 1st of November, I shall be doing NanoWriMo as a test of whether or not I can actually be a continuous (struggling) writer. The novel I have decided to do will eventually be posted on here (in a Google Docs format, like my other works) and has gone through substantial changes (something I will discuss in my November 1st post) even before the process has begun.
But for now, I just welcome you to my blog. It is a bridge between my internet world and friends. I feel as though whilst I hate keeping the two separate, my love of internet memes, internet culture and the influence of the internet on my life, often cross over in more recent months, but for now, this will be the beginning of building a bridge.
Whether or not it will fail or simply come crashing down is not really incredibly important, but like all bloggers, what's truly important is giving my opinion and thoughts, no matter how vain, narcissistic, idiotic, racist, sexist or absolutely fucking retarded it truly is.
So as I've mentioned a fairly substantial three other times, welcome
Oh and Have a Nice Day
P.S You may wanna look up the name of my blog before proceeding onwards or bloggers subscribe? Man, I should've done more research
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