Sunday, October 31, 2010


Tron Legacy is one of the only remaining films of the year (other than The Social Network, which I'm seeing tomorrow night) that I am definitely looking forward to and those are the flashiest cufflinks I've ever seen in my life. I only saw the original this year. I had like a two hour break between classes and I started watching it in the library and my eyes were absolutely mesmerized by how wonderful and detailed the world was. I've always loved Jeff Bridges ever since my dad introduced me to the Dude at a young age and seeing him as young as I am now was incredible and I'm so glad they got him back for the sequel. The details, the music (Daft Punk is God) and the plot have sold me on seeing it regardless of what critics say...much like how I've seen the previous two Jackass films and will be enjoying the next one in a few weeks.
For those who haven't seen it yet, here's the Daft Punk trailer for the movie, apparently they play a DJ program or MP3's in the movie:

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