Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Morning Roll Call 17/11

So how did everyone sleep?
Good. Did you enjoy the Bill & Ted post?
So what have we missed today?
There is a bit of movie news to get out of the way, so here we have Cars 2, which is definitely happening with a new poster and trailer online today.
Apparently it was John Cusack who Quoth the Raven, he will be playing Poe in an upcoming movie called The Raven, set in 1835.
Larry Charles, former director of Seinfeld, Borat, Religulous might be tackling a film called The Dictator, which sounds like it might be a remake of the Chaplain classic.
Scientists are thinking of sending you to Mars and not bringing you back.
In video game news, Games for Windows is relaunching and will probably shut down some time next year when Steam unleashes a batch of new games.
Diablo 3 might be coming to consoles sometime soon as  a few ads were posted online for console devs for a Blizzard project.
Earth Defense Forces is a great video game series and...wait a second, this is movie news, oh I see. Okay Sam Raimi is making another alien invasion film. The way trends usually work in Hollywood is releasing like 1 or 2 films and seeing how they pan out and then people make copies and stuff like that, but this year it was exorcisms and found footage films, next year it will be alien invasions.
And Angry Birds and some other games apparently are filled with Malware for your iPhone.
In breaking news, Activision has closed down Bizarre Creations, makers of Project Gotham Racing, well that's what happens when you make an overly customisable and average racing game.
THQ are releasing a tablet game soon which I think will be pretty awesome.
A new designer bacteria may be able to fix the cracks in old building...probably is once those cracks form again and the bacteria spreads to humans...who knows what it may seal up.
Bush's memoir has a very selective range of facts about the Iraq War and how Bush percieved them...let's call his book, Creative Non-Fiction...much like this website.
In Australian news, we're sorry we let this bitch out.
In fucking retarded news, the creators of the What What in the Butt song are suing South Park...oh I'm sorry, not the creators, the company that owns the song is suing...even though it was a parody...fucking ingrates.
And finally, recent studies have shown that the 'American Dream' is in fact 'The Swedish Dream'
And here is my Swedish Dream
Have a great day.

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